Asterisk Meaning and Definition
What is the definition Asterisk? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Synonyms, Related sentences, Words starting with Asterisk, How to pronounce? Derivations, Words ending with Asterisk, Antonyms, Example sentences and more...
Word: Asterisk
How to pronounce: ˈæstərɪsk
1. A symbol (*) used to mark printed or written text, typically as a reference to an annotation or to stand for omitted matter.
Example sentences: "Scholarly notes are usually signalled by superscript numbers at appropriate points in a text, but such symbols as asterisks and obelisks may be used instead for footnotes."
Transitive verb
1. Mark (a word or piece of text) with an asterisk.
Example sentences: "He had asterisked the things about the case that still bothered him"
chain wheel
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Asterisk in Other Languages...
Spanish: Asterisco
German: Sternchen
French: Astérisque
Italian: Asterisco
Turkish: Yıldız işareti