Backed Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

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Backed meaning

Word: Backed



1. The rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips.

Example sentences: "He lay on his back"

2. The side or part of something that is away from the spectator or from the direction in which it moves or faces; the rear.

Example sentences: "At the back of the hotel is a secluded garden"

3. A player in a team game who plays in a defensive position behind the forwards.

Example sentences: "Their backs showed some impressive running and passing"

4. The grounds of Cambridge colleges which back on to the River Cam.



1. In the opposite direction from the one that one is facing or travelling towards.

Example sentences: "He moved back a pace"

2. So as to return to an earlier or normal position or condition.

Example sentences: "She put the book back on the shelf"

3. In or into the past.

Example sentences: "He made his fortune back in 1955"

4. In return.

Example sentences: "They wrote back to me"



1. Give financial, material, or moral support to.

Example sentences: "He had a newspaper empire backing him"

2. Walk or drive backwards.

Example sentences: "I put the car in reverse and backed down the road"

3. Cover the back of (an article) in order to support, protect, or decorate it.

Example sentences: "A mirror backed with tortoiseshell"

4. Lie behind or at the back of.

Example sentences: "The promenade is backed by lots of cafes"



1. Of or at the back of something.

Example sentences: "The back garden"

2. From or relating to the past.

Example sentences: "She was owed back pay"

3. Directed towards the rear or in a reversed course.

4. (of a sound) articulated at the back of the mouth.

Example sentences: "A long back vowel, as in 'dance' or 'bath'"





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