Backgammon Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Backgammon? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Derivations, Antonyms, Words ending with Backgammon, Words starting with Backgammon, How to pronounce? Related sentences, Example sentences, Synonyms and more...

Backgammon meaning

Word: Backgammon



1. A board game in which two players move their pieces around twenty-four triangular points according to the throw of dice, the winner being the first to remove all their pieces from the board.

Example sentences: "Also included are checkers and backgammon boards and pieces."

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Backgammon meaning

Backgammon definition

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Backgammon in Other Languages...


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French: Backgammon

Italian: Backgammon

Turkish: Tavla


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