Barley Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Barley? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Synonyms, Related sentences, How to pronounce? Antonyms, Words ending with Barley, Example sentences, Words starting with Barley, Derivations and more...

Barley meaning

Word: Barley

How to pronounce: ˈbɑːlɪ



1. A hardy cereal that has coarse bristles extending from the ears. It is widely cultivated, chiefly for use in brewing and stockfeed.

Example sentences: "He was listed among the first four pioneers in barley breeding and tested barleys of hybrid origin as early as 1904, but none attained release."



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German: Gerste

French: Orge

Italian: Orzo

Turkish: Arpa


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