Bladder Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Bladder? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Antonyms, How to pronounce? Words ending with Bladder, Related sentences, Synonyms, Words starting with Bladder, Derivations, Example sentences and more...

Bladder meaning

Word: Bladder

How to pronounce: ˈblædə



1. A membranous sac in humans and other animals, in which urine is collected for excretion.

Example sentences: "Patients were asked to empty their bladders before going to bed"

2. Anything inflated and hollow.

Example sentences: "An air bladder in the arch and collar of the shoe"


air bubbles



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Bladder in Other Languages...

Spanish: Vejiga

German: Blase

French: Vessie

Italian: Vescica

Turkish: Mesane


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