Burgess Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Burgess? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Words starting with Burgess, Derivations, Words ending with Burgess, Example sentences, Related sentences, Synonyms, How to pronounce? Antonyms and more...

Burgess meaning

Word: Burgess

How to pronounce: ˈbɜːʤɪs



1. An inhabitant of a town or borough with full rights of citizenship.

Example sentences: "Although it gave no additional powers, it did change the title of inhabitants from burgesses to citizens."

2. A Member of Parliament for a borough, corporate town, or university.

Example sentences: "The Return of the Names of Every Member… is the basic source for lists of parliamentary burgesses."

3. (in the US and also historically in the UK) a magistrate or member of the governing body of a town.

Example sentences: "In the 15th century the Yelde Hall was erected and used by the bailiffs and burgesses of the town as a council chamber."






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