Callback Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Callback? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Words starting with Callback, Words ending with Callback, Related sentences, Derivations, Antonyms, How to pronounce? Example sentences, Synonyms and more...

Callback meaning

Word: Callback

How to pronounce: ˈkɔːlbæk



1. An invitation to return for a second audition or interview.

Example sentences: "He was one of only twelve applicants to receive a callback"

2. A phone call made to return a call received.

Example sentences: "After placing several calls to one of his handlers, I was more then a little surprised to receive a callback from someone who identified themselves as Tom."

3. A security feature used by systems accessed by phone, in which a remote user must log on using a previously registered phone number, to which the system then places a return call.

4. A recall of a defective product.

5. An emergency call summoning an employee to work after hours.

Example sentences: "Uncontrolled air leakage results in increased callbacks"






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Callback in Other Languages...

Spanish: Callback

German: Callback

French: Rappel


Turkish: çağrı


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