Cockpit Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Cockpit? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Words starting with Cockpit, Example sentences, How to pronounce? Words ending with Cockpit, Synonyms, Related sentences, Derivations, Antonyms and more...

Cockpit meaning

Word: Cockpit

How to pronounce: ˈkɒkpɪt



1. A compartment for the pilot, and sometimes also the crew, in an aircraft or spacecraft.

Example sentences: "Today, the Air Force involuntarily removes young pilots from the cockpits of manned aircraft for 36 months to ‘fly’ unmanned aerial vehicles."

2. A place where cockfights are held.




bunk room


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Cockpit in Other Languages...

Spanish: Cabina

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French: Pilotage

Italian: Cabina

Turkish: Kokpit


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