Crossover Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Crossover? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Words ending with Crossover, How to pronounce? Derivations, Related sentences, Example sentences, Words starting with Crossover, Synonyms, Antonyms and more...

Crossover meaning

Word: Crossover

How to pronounce: ˈkrɒsəʊvə



1. A point or place of crossing from one side to the other.

Example sentences: "Since crossovers occurred on either side of each insertion site, interference may act across the insertion."

2. The process of achieving success in a different field or style, especially in popular music.

Example sentences: "A jazz-classical crossover album"

3. Relating to or denoting trials of medical treatment in which experimental subjects and control groups are exchanged after a set period.

Example sentences: "A crossover study"

4. A person who votes for a candidate in a different political party than the one they usually support.

Example sentences: "Crossover votes"






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Crossover in Other Languages...

Spanish: Cruce

German: Crossover

French: Croisement

Italian: Attraversamento

Turkish: Geçit


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