Debug Meaning and Definition
What is the definition Debug? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Words ending with Debug, Related sentences, Synonyms, How to pronounce? Example sentences, Antonyms, Words starting with Debug, Derivations and more...
Word: Debug
How to pronounce: diːˈbʌg
Transitive verb
1. Identify and remove errors from (computer hardware or software)
Example sentences: "Games are the worst to debug"
2. Detect and remove concealed microphones from (an area).
Example sentences: "‘Stop I've already debugged the place don't worry Jess’ the voice came from the armchair if you could call it that near the only actual window in the apartment."
3. Remove insects from (something), especially with a pesticide.
Example sentences: "Campo has used her meagre savings, volunteers, small donations and the good-hearted service of cheap vets to sterilize, test and debug the cats and return them to health."
1. The process of identifying and removing errors from computer hardware or software.
Example sentences: "Every designer has a different debug method"
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Debug in Other Languages...
Spanish: Depurar
German: Debug
French: Débogage
Italian: Debug
Turkish: Ayıklamak