Downstream Meaning and Definition
What is the definition Downstream? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Antonyms, How to pronounce? Words starting with Downstream, Derivations, Synonyms, Related sentences, Example sentences, Words ending with Downstream and more...
Word: Downstream
How to pronounce: daʊnˈstriːm
1. In the direction in which a stream or river flows.
Example sentences: "The car had floated some way downstream"
2. In or toward the part of a sequence of genetic material where transcription takes place later than at a given point.
Example sentences: "A termination signal was found downstream from the coding region"
3. At a stage in the process of gas or oil extraction and production after the raw material is ready for refining.
Example sentences: "The company is bigger downstream, deriving a larger slice of its revenues from refining and marketing the oil it finds"
1. Situated or moving in the direction in which a stream or river flows.
2. Situated in or toward the part of a sequence of genetic material where transcription takes place later than at a given point.
3. Taking place at or relating to a stage in the process of gas or oil extraction and production after the raw material is ready for refining.
descending current
downward flow
the lower
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Downstream in Other Languages...
German: Nachgelagerten
French: Aval
Italian: Downstream
Turkish: Akım