Fingertip Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Fingertip? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Example sentences, Words starting with Fingertip, Antonyms, How to pronounce? Related sentences, Derivations, Synonyms, Words ending with Fingertip and more...

Fingertip meaning

Word: Fingertip



1. The tip of a finger.

Example sentences: "She suffered injuries to her shoulder and neck and lost the feeling of the fingertips in her right hand."



1. Using or operated by the fingers.

Example sentences: "Police made a fingertip search of the area"

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Images related to Fingertip

Fingertip meaning

Fingertip definition

Fingertip define

Fingertip in Other Languages...

Spanish: Dedo

German: Fingerspitze

French: Doigt

Italian: Dito

Turkish: Parmak ucu


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