Iraqis Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Iraqis? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Words starting with Iraqis, How to pronounce? Words ending with Iraqis, Related sentences, Synonyms, Derivations, Antonyms, Example sentences and more...

Iraqis meaning

Word: Iraqis



1. Relating to Iraq, its people, or their language.

Example sentences: "It was used alongside other intelligence material, giving the impression it came from Iraqi sources."



1. A native or inhabitant of Iraq, or a person of Iraqi descent.

Example sentences: "We need your help to carry on helping the Iraqis and Marsh Arab people at this critical time."

2. The form of Arabic spoken in Iraq.



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Iraqis in Other Languages...

Spanish: Iraquí

German: Irakischen

French: Irakien

Italian: Iracheno

Turkish: Iraklı


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