Mule Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Mule? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Derivations, Synonyms, Example sentences, Words starting with Mule, Related sentences, Antonyms, How to pronounce? Words ending with Mule and more...

Mule meaning

Word: Mule



1. The offspring of a donkey and a horse (strictly, a male donkey and a female horse), typically sterile and used as a beast of burden.

Example sentences: "The Israelites used various beasts of burden - mules, horses, camels and oxen."

2. A hybrid plant or animal, especially a sterile one.

Example sentences: "Finch mules have always been more difficult to breed than the canaries or finches themselves, but some were less difficult than others."

3. A kind of spinning machine producing yarn on spindles, invented by Samuel Crompton (1753–1827) in 1779.

Example sentences: "His near contemporary, the shy and upright Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule that allowed Britain to corner the market in fine-spun cottons."

4. A small tractor or locomotive, typically one that is electrically powered.

Example sentences: "The trolley pole is mounted on a cylindrical bearing member secured to the side of an electric mule or locomotive for pivotal movement about a vertical axis."

5. A coin with the obverse and reverse of designs not originally intended to be used together.

Example sentences: "There are three recognised mule coins from the Republic of India."



1. A slipper or light shoe without a back.

Example sentences: "Throwbacks to a swell fashion trend of yesteryear, they spice up any pair of shoes, from ballet flats to mules or slinky stilettos."

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Mule in Other Languages...

Spanish: Mulo

German: Maultier

French: Mule

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Turkish: Katır


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