Approx News
Approx news and the latest breaking news about Approx headlines, comment and features about Approx is here...
Word: ApproximationHow to pronounce: əprɒksɪˈmeɪʃnNounDefinitions:1. A value or quantity that is nea..
4 years ago
Word: ApproximatelyHow to pronounce: əˈprɒksɪmɪtlɪAdverbDefinitions:1. Used to show that something i..
4 years ago
Word: ApproximateHow to pronounce: əˈprɒksɪmɪtAdjectiveDefinitions:1. Close to the actual, but not c..
4 years ago
Word: ApproxHow to pronounce: əˈprɒksAbbreviationDefinitions:1. Approximate(ly).Synonyms: approximat..
4 years ago
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