Crack News
Crack news and the latest breaking news about Crack headlines, comment and features about Crack is here...
Word: CracksHow to pronounce: kræksHow to pronounce: krækNounDefinitions:1. A line on the surface of..
4 years ago
Word: CrackingHow to pronounce: ˈkrækɪŋAdjectiveDefinitions:1. Excellent.Synonyms: cracks formationf..
4 years ago
Word: CrackerHow to pronounce: ˈkrækəNounDefinitions:1. A thin, crisp wafer often eaten with cheese ..
4 years ago
Word: CrackedHow to pronounce: kræktHow to pronounce: kræksAdjectiveDefinitions:1. Damaged and showi..
4 years ago
Word: CrackHow to pronounce: krækNounDefinitions:1. A line on the surface of something along which i..
4 years ago
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