Crib News
Crib news and the latest breaking news about Crib headlines, comment and features about Crib is here...
Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, described Vice President Kamala Harris as "viciou..
5 months ago
The first human to have a Neuralink computer chip surgically implanted in his brain is Noland Arbaug..
9 months ago
The brutal killing of Laken Hope Riley, a former student at the University of Georgia (UGA), has lef..
10 months ago
Word: UnsubscribeIntransitive verbDefinitions:1. Cancel a subscription to an electronic mailing list..
4 years ago
Word: TranscribedHow to pronounce: trænsˈkraɪbVerbDefinitions:1. Put (thoughts, speech, or data) int..
4 years ago
Word: SubscriberHow to pronounce: səbˈskraɪbəNounDefinitions:1. A person who receives a publication ..
4 years ago
Word: SubscribedHow to pronounce: səbˈskraɪbVerbDefinitions:1. Arrange to receive something, typical..
4 years ago
Word: SubscribeHow to pronounce: səbˈskraɪbVerbDefinitions:1. Arrange to receive something regularly..
4 years ago
Word: PrescribingHow to pronounce: prɪsˈkraɪbVerbDefinitions:1. (of a medical practitioner) advise a..
4 years ago
Word: PrescribeHow to pronounce: prɪsˈkraɪbTransitive verbDefinitions:1. (of a medical practitioner)..
4 years ago
Word: DescribingHow to pronounce: dɪsˈkraɪbVerbDefinitions:1. Give a detailed account in words of.Ex..
4 years ago
Word: DescribesHow to pronounce: dɪsˈkraɪbVerbDefinitions:1. Give a detailed account in words of.Exa..
4 years ago
Word: DescribedHow to pronounce: dɪsˈkraɪbVerbDefinitions:1. Give a detailed account in words of.Exa..
4 years ago
Word: DescribeHow to pronounce: dɪsˈkraɪbTransitive verbDefinitions:1. Give an account in words of (..
4 years ago
Word: CribHow to pronounce: krɪbNounDefinitions:1. A young child's bed with barred or latticed sides..
4 years ago