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Sign up here. Reporting by Valerie Volcovici; Additional reporting by Adrees Latif and Evan Garcia;..
4 months ago
David Letterman headlining upcoming Biden fundraiser as other Hollywood donors abandon the president
While many Hollywood donors have distanced themselves from President Biden's re-election campaign, l..
5 months ago
President Joe Biden's New York City Fundraiser President Joe Biden, alongside former Presidents B..
9 months ago
Word: MiseryHow to pronounce: ˈmɪzərɪNounDefinitions:1. A state or feeling of great distress or disc..
4 years ago
Word: MiserableHow to pronounce: ˈmɪz(ə)rəb(ə)lAdjectiveDefinitions:1. (of a person) wretchedly unha..
4 years ago
Word: KaiserHow to pronounce: ˈkaɪzəNounDefinitions:1. The German Emperor, the Emperor of Austria, o..
4 years ago
Word: FundraiserNounDefinitions:1. A person whose job or task is to seek financial support for a cha..
4 years ago
Word: CruiserHow to pronounce: ˈkruːzəNounDefinitions:1. A relatively fast warship larger than a des..
4 years ago
Word: AppraiserHow to pronounce: əˈpreɪzəNounDefinitions:1. A person whose job is to assess the mone..
4 years ago
Word: AdviserHow to pronounce: ədˈvaɪzəNounDefinitions:1. A person who gives advice in a particular ..
4 years ago
Word: AdvertiserHow to pronounce: ˈædvətaɪzəNounDefinitions:1. A person or company that advertises a..
4 years ago