Kind News
Kind news and the latest breaking news about Kind headlines, comment and features about Kind is here...
Word: MankindHow to pronounce: ˈmænkaɪndNounDefinitions:1. Human beings considered collectively; the..
4 years ago
Word: KindsHow to pronounce: kaɪndNounDefinitions:1. A group of people or things having similar char..
4 years ago
Word: KindnessHow to pronounce: ˈkaɪndnɪsNounDefinitions:1. The quality of being friendly, generous,..
4 years ago
Word: KindlyHow to pronounce: ˈkaɪndlɪAdverbDefinitions:1. In a kind manner.Example sentences: "“Nev..
4 years ago
Word: KindergartenHow to pronounce: ˈkɪndəgɑːtnNounDefinitions:1. A school or class that prepares ch..
4 years ago
Word: KindHow to pronounce: kaɪndNounDefinitions:1. A group of people or things having similar chara..
4 years ago
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