Python Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Python? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Example sentences, Related sentences, Words ending with Python, Antonyms, Derivations, How to pronounce? Words starting with Python, Synonyms and more...

Python meaning

Word: Python



1. A large heavy-bodied nonvenomous snake occurring throughout the Old World tropics, killing prey by constriction and asphyxiation.

Example sentences: "Anacondas are related to boa constrictors and pythons."

2. A high-level general-purpose programming language.

Example sentences: "This file is read and processed by a (mostly custom built) program written in the python language."



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Python in Other Languages...


German: Pythonschlange

French: Python

Italian: Python

Turkish: Piton


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