Runner Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

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Runner meaning

Word: Runner

How to pronounce: ˈrʌnə



1. A person who runs, especially in a specified way.

Example sentences: "Mary was a fast runner"

2. A person who smuggles specified goods into or out of a country or area.

3. A rod, groove, or blade on which something slides.

4. A shoot, typically leafless, which grows from the base of a plant along the surface of the ground and can take root at points along its length.

Example sentences: "It's not always easy to find strawberry runners with good strong roots"

5. A long, narrow rug or strip of carpet, especially for a hall or stairway.

Example sentences: "A faded runner held in place with brass stair rods"

6. A revolving millstone.

7. A fast-swimming fish of the jack family, occurring in tropical seas.

Example sentences: "They will catch a large variety of small fish which gather under a boat, such as blue runner, jacks and pilchards."







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Runner in Other Languages...

Spanish: Corredor

German: Läufer

French: Coureur

Italian: Corridore

Turkish: Koşucu


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