Runtime Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Runtime? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Example sentences, Derivations, Related sentences, Words ending with Runtime, Antonyms, How to pronounce? Synonyms, Words starting with Runtime and more...

Runtime meaning

Word: Runtime

How to pronounce: rʌnˈtaɪm



1. The time that a film or DVD lasts.

2. The length of time a program takes to run.

Example sentences: "Further, heuristical simplifications are described to reduce run-times for the optimization process."



1. (of software) in a reduced version that can be run but not changed.

Example sentences: "He spent a lot of time trying to force me to answer a question about how long it would take to download a JRE [Java run-time environment] using DSL or cable broadband."


running cycle

process cycle

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Runtime meaning

Runtime definition

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Runtime in Other Languages...

Spanish: Ejecución

German: Laufzeit

French: Runtime


Turkish: çalışma


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