Septic Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

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Septic meaning

Word: Septic

How to pronounce: ˈseptɪk



1. Infected with microorganisms, especially harmful bacteria.

Example sentences: "His feet had gone septic"

2. Denoting a drainage system incorporating a septic tank.

Example sentences: "If you encounter drainfield problems, contact an experienced, licensed septic maintenance company to discuss which of these options will work best for your particular system."



1. A drainage system incorporating a septic tank.

Example sentences: "We had a Boy Scout troop offer their meeting place and the building was fantastic, but where you parked the trucks was right where they have the septics."





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Septic in Other Languages...

Spanish: Séptico

German: Septischen

French: Septique

Italian: Settico

Turkish: Septik


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