Tandem Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Tandem? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Related sentences, Words ending with Tandem, Derivations, How to pronounce? Example sentences, Synonyms, Words starting with Tandem, Antonyms and more...

Tandem meaning

Word: Tandem

How to pronounce: ˈtændəm



1. A bicycle with seats and pedals for two riders, one behind the other.A carriage driven by two animals harnessed one in front of the other.A group of two people or machines working together.

Example sentences: "However, I did make a road bike, mountain bike and a tandem for this particular customer which did not shimmy."



1. With two or more horses harnessed one behind another.

Example sentences: "I rode tandem to Paris"



1. Having two things arranged one in front of the other.

Example sentences: "A tandem trailer"


in single file

in tandem

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