Tango Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Tango? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Synonyms, Words starting with Tango, Related sentences, Example sentences, Antonyms, Words ending with Tango, Derivations, How to pronounce and more...

Tango meaning

Word: Tango



1. A ballroom dance originating in Buenos Aires, characterized by marked rhythms and postures and abrupt pauses.

Example sentences: "The Argentine tango originated in Buenos Aires at the turn of the last century."

2. A code word representing the letter T, used in voice communication by radio.

Example sentences: "It is very easy to be confused between the letters B and P, M and N etc. when speaking over the radio or telephone for example ‘TOM’ you would pronounce this as:- Tango Oscar Mike."

Intransitive verb


1. Dance the tango.

Example sentences: "They tangoed around the room"



1. An orange-yellow color.



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Tango in Other Languages...


German: Tango

French: Tango

Italian: Tango

Turkish: Tangocu


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