Thistle Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Thistle? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Words starting with Thistle, Related sentences, How to pronounce? Antonyms, Example sentences, Words ending with Thistle, Synonyms, Derivations and more...

Thistle meaning

Word: Thistle

How to pronounce: θɪsl



1. A widely distributed herbaceous plant of the daisy family, which typically has a prickly stem and leaves and rounded heads of purple flowers.

Example sentences: "It attacks the thistle's leaves and stem, forming orange-brown lumps called pustules."

2. A thistle as the Scottish national emblem.

Example sentences: "Also known as cotton thistle, it is native to Mediterranean Europe, Africa and the Middle East."


milk thistle


sow thistle



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