Worksheets Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Worksheets? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Words ending with Worksheets, Related sentences, How to pronounce? Example sentences, Derivations, Antonyms, Words starting with Worksheets, Synonyms and more...

Worksheets meaning

Word: Worksheets



1. A paper listing questions or tasks for students.

Example sentences: "He usually volunteered in the office during his study hall period, doing odd jobs like shredding paper, copying worksheets for the students, and sorting the teachers' mail."

2. A paper for recording work done or in progress.

Example sentences: "After agreement between Contractor and Managing Contractor, Contractor shall submit an invoice based on the progress payment worksheets."

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Worksheets meaning

Worksheets definition

Worksheets define

Worksheets in Other Languages...

Spanish: Hoja

German: Arbeitsblättern

French: Feuille

Italian: Foglio



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Worksheets Words that start with W