Diabetic Meaning and Definition

Published: 4 years ago

Updated: 4 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Diabetic? What is its meaning in the dictionary? How to pronounce? Derivations, Synonyms, Words starting with Diabetic, Example sentences, Antonyms, Words ending with Diabetic, Related sentences and more...

Diabetic meaning

Word: Diabetic



1. Having diabetes.

Example sentences: "The commonest cause of neuropathic ulceration is diabetes, and many diabetic patients with neuropathic ulceration will also have an arterial problem that requires correction."



1. A person suffering from diabetes.

Example sentences: "Research that helps us understand how older diabetics view their illness is largely unexplored."



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Images related to Diabetic

Diabetic meaning

Diabetic definition

Diabetic define

Diabetic in Other Languages...

Spanish: Diabéticos

German: Diabetiker

French: Diabétique

Italian: Diabetico

Turkish: Diyabetik


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