Bell News
Bell news and the latest breaking news about Bell headlines, comment and features about Bell is here...
Adidas has withdrawn an advertising campaign featuring model Bella Hadid, a vocal supporter of Pales..
5 months ago
Word: RebellionHow to pronounce: rɪˈbeljənNounDefinitions:1. An act of violent or open resistance to..
4 years ago
Word: LabellingHow to pronounce: How to pronounce: ˈleɪblɪŋNounDefinitions:1. A small piece of paper..
4 years ago
Word: LabelledHow to pronounce: leɪbldHow to pronounce: leɪbldNounDefinitions:1. A small piece of pa..
4 years ago
Word: BellyHow to pronounce: ˈbelɪNounDefinitions:1. The front part of the human trunk below the rib..
4 years ago
Word: BellHow to pronounce: belNounDefinitions:1. A hollow object, typically made of metal and havin..
4 years ago
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