Teddy Meaning and Definition

Published: 3 years ago

Updated: 3 years ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

What is the definition Teddy? What is its meaning in the dictionary? Synonyms, Antonyms, Words starting with Teddy, Example sentences, Derivations, Words ending with Teddy, Related sentences, How to pronounce and more...

Teddy meaning

Word: Teddy

How to pronounce: ˈtedɪ



1. A soft toy bear.

Example sentences: "She had a teddy bear thrown out as a child, then started hoarding soft toys."

2. A woman's all-in-one undergarment.

Example sentences: "In another there is a room, lit coldly by far too many fluorescent tubes, where you can go to buy nightgowns, camisoles, teddies, housecoats and dusters."


teddy bear


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Teddy in Other Languages...

Spanish: Peluche

German: Teddy

French: Teddy

Italian: Orsacchiotto

Turkish: Oyuncak


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